Electric Cars And Hybrid Cars To Save A Little Money

Electric Cars And Hybrid Cars To Save A Little Money

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Japanese car manufacturer, Nissan Motor Co. showcased the new gas-electric hybrid, called Fuga in Tokyo, Japan. The hybrid will hit the market in Japan on Nov. 2. The price starts from 5.8 million yen (Rs. 32 lakh) - much expensive than the regular petrol version which starts at about 4.3 million yen (Rs. 23.5 lakh).

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Mileage of the new hybrid Nissan Fuga is estimated at 19 km/liter under Japanese test-driving conditions, which is about double the comparable gas-engine vehicle. Mileage for the U.S. is still unclear, according to sources in Nissan.

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When the battery is almost fully discharged, not completely discharged, fully recharge the battery. Again let it almost fully discharge then recharge again, repeating this 3 to 5 times. This will reverse the batteries memory effect and improve its performance.

Under the Power Options in the Control Panel, you can find an energy saving preset that will turn your screen and hard disks off after a short period of time.

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